Joshua Hubbard
Music Instructor
Joshua’s music career began when he received his first guitar for his 17th birthday in 2002. He taught himself how to play music, write songs, and began collaborating with other musicians. Eventually, Joshua started playing in bands and at church, gigging through most of his 20s until he decided to go to college for audio production in 2015. He attended Full Sail University where he expanded his skillet to include reading and writing sheet music and a fundamental understanding of music theory through the practical application of learning piano. Joshua also further developed his production, songwriting, and sound design skills. In 2018, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. During his time in college, Joshua started a home production studio to record and produce musicians which has evolved to include running live sound for bands and artists at concerts and special events; such as weddings and festivals. Now, after serving artists for the last few years, Joshua Is excited to take the next step in his journey and help bring up and guide the next generation of artists and musicians.